The first 8 weeks of the program involves virtual (via Zoom) cognitive behavioral therapy group sessions 3 times per week, from 6:15 PM to 7:45 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and the provision of an in-person urine sample each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, anytime between 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM. If the urine sample tests clean (no recent meth use), participants earn voucher points that have cash value and are then exchanged for gift cards, products or services of their choosing.

Both approaches (group counseling and voucher points for clean urine) have proven effective in helping gay and bisexual men reduce or eliminate both meth use and high-risk sexual behaviors. Friends Getting Off was the very first program that combined these two proven methods into one package. If you are interested and qualify for this program, you will receive both the group sessions and the voucher points for clean urine. There is no cost for participating in Friends Getting Off, and you may receive incentives for doing so.


We would be happy to set up an initial screening interview (typically a 5-minute call) to determine if Friends Getting Off is right for you. Individuals who are interested and eligible will be scheduled for an intake appointment that will last approximately 2 hours. We will ask questions about your drug use, sexual, emotional, and legal history. There will be a second data visit three months after the first visit that will last about 30 minutes. All information collected is strictly confidential.

♂️ Participants attend a 90-minute virtual group session three times per week (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening), and provide a urine sample (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the afternoon).

♂️ Group sessions teach skills to stop meth use and to prevent relapse using culturally relevant materials for gay and bisexual men.

♂️ Participants receive voucher points for clean urine that are exchange for gift cards, products or services of their choosing.